Sunday, May 27, 2012

: )

This week was awesome!...just like every week is going to be here in Tanzania! So I am just going to  write about a few highlights for this week and then post lots of pics!...So on Monday we visited a vocational school in a place a few hours away called Boma n’Gombe! It really fun to see! I guess they teach sewing, math, English, and computers there. They are looking for help with business classes, marketing, English, and sports. We are excited to work there later this summer, but they are going on summer break for a month so it will have to wait, though it does have potential! : )
On Tuesday we went to a Maasai village where we looked at schools and had a good time playing some games with the kids there! Kids here love cameras…and the kids at this village for some reason looooved our watches and kept on trying to snatch them. Anyway, the kids are fun to dance with and usually love to learn handshakes and do the hokey pokey!
The rest of the week we worked on inside out learning preparations and went to a few more meetings! There is a LOT of planning that must be done before some of our huge projects get started but it will happen eventually! It is really exciting!...we have a lot of interesting projects for the future!
And our team discovered the most delicious meal this week…chipote! For reals…it is like a fried tortilla, holy cow it is delicious and I am pretty sure I am going to get huge here between the good food and tasty Fantas! : P Anyway, we have a cook now and she is awesome! We are definitely not going to go hungry.
As for this weekend…it was so relaxing! All of our team was gone on either a safari or to different villages so it was just me, Heather, and our fellow teammate and friend Deseret. We went shopping and spent most of our time at our favorite restaurant Family and Friends. I don’t know what else to say right now except for I LOVE IT HERE!
Ok…here are some pics! : )

this is me and chanel, my country director, eating gelato. yeah, gelato in africa. oh and look at those huge comfy pillows!

another pic of our gelato adventure!...this is my other country director sarah and one of my awesome roomies deseret!

this is for all those people who said they liked me as a brunette. yeah right! also, can you guess what we are going to use this hair for?

this is our team with the students at Boma n'Gombe! they were awesome and sang lots of songs to us : )

this picture just does too good of a job of capturing the chaos that happens when you pull out your camera around kids here!

our fun hospital visit!...dearest sarah got bit by either a rat, spider, or cochroach...who knows! anyway, i don't think our 3 hour hospital visit did much good, she ended up getting different medication from somebody else. haha

...they really do have one everywhere...

chipote. our best friend john made this special for us at our fav restaurant family & friends : )

1 comment:

  1. hahah that picture of you with the kids and you're sticking your tongue out... there's a little boy to your rightthat is giving you the funniest look! like "who is this crazy girl??" hahaha so fun!
